hollow$35549$ - translation to ελληνικό
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hollow$35549$ - translation to ελληνικό

Tree hollows; Hollow (botany); Hollow-bearing tree; Hollow-bearing trees; Hollow bearing tree; Hollow bearing trees; Hollow tree; Hollow-bearing; Hollow bearing; Tree hallow; Tree-hollow
  • Multiple tree hollows in a plane tree in Baden, Austria
  • base]] of the tree.
  • Indian spotted owlet in tree hollow

v. κοιλαίνω, βαθουλώνω
Pyrrhic victory         
  • alt=A street of ruined buildings with rubble strewn across the road. A red tractor and other vehicles are visible parked in the background
  • alt=Men waving sabers on horseback charge across a bridge, surrounded by figures struggling in hand-to-hand combat
Pyrrhic Victory; Phyrric victory; Pyhrric victory; Empty victory; Pyhrric Victory; Pyrrhic defeat; Pyrhhic victory; Winning the battle but losing the war; Hollow victory; Pyrrhic victories
πύρρειος νίκη
bas relief         
  • A sunk-relief depiction of Pharaoh [[Akhenaten]] with his wife [[Nefertiti]] and daughters. The main background has not been removed, merely that in the immediate vicinity of the sculpted form. Note how strong shadows are needed to define the image.
  • A face of the high-relief ''[[Frieze of Parnassus]]'' round the base of the [[Albert Memorial]] in London. Most of the heads and many feet are completely undercut, but the torsos are "engaged" with the surface behind
  • Siva]]
  • Life of Christ]]'', c. 1350–1365
  • A mid-relief of an [[eagle]] (the [[coat of arms]] of the [[People's Republic of Poland]]), [[Warsaw]] (1955)
  • A common mixture of high and low relief, in the Roman [[Ara Pacis]], placed to be seen from below. Low relief ornament at bottom
  • Low-relief on Roman [[sestertius]], 238 AD
  • A low-relief dating to circa 2000 BC, from the kingdom of [[Simurrum]], modern [[Iraq]]
  • Parthenon Marbles]]. Some front limbs are actually detached from the background completely, while the [[centaur]]'s left rear leg is in low relief.
  • Mohsen Semnani, The Creation story,2000, The entrance room of amphitheater,Isfahan
  • High-relief deities at [[Khajuraho]], India
Bas-relief; Bas relief; Bas-Relief; Reliefs; Alto-Relievo; Alto-relievo; Bass reliefs; Bas-relieves; Bassorelievo; Basso relievo; Basso-relievo; Egyptian reliefs; Sunken-relief; Hollow-relief; High relief; High-relief; Sunken relief; Hollow relief; Low-relief; Bass-relief; Basrelief; Bassorilievo; Bas-reliefs; Haut relief; Sunk relief; Low relief; Bah relief; Relief sculpture; Relief-bas; Alto-rilievo; Alto rilievo; Sunken-reliefs; Sunken reliefs; Bas reliefs; Basreliefs; High reliefs; Counter-relief; Basso-rilievo; Alto relievo; Basso-Relievo; Basso Relievo; Sunk-relief; Mid-relief; Relief (art); Stone relief; Rilievo schiacciato; Rilievo schicciato




Tree hollow

A tree hollow or tree hole is a semi-enclosed cavity which has naturally formed in the trunk or branch of a tree. They are found mainly in old trees, whether living or not. Hollows form in many species of trees, and are a prominent feature of natural forests and woodlands, and act as a resource or habitat for a number of vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

Hollows may form as the result of physiological stress from natural forces causing the excavating and exposure of the heartwood. Forces may include wind, fire, heat, lightning, rain, attack from insects (such as ants or beetles), bacteria, or fungi. Also, trees may self-prune, dropping lower branches as they reach maturity, exposing the area where the branch was attached. Many animals further develop the hollows using instruments such as their beak, teeth or claws.

The size of hollows may depend on the age of the tree. For example, eucalypts develop hollows at all ages, but only from when the trees are 120 years old do they form hollows suitable for vertebrates, and it may take 220 years for hollows suitable for larger species to form.

Hollows in fallen timber are also very important for animals such as echidnas, numbats, chuditch and many reptiles. In streams, hollow logs may be important to aquatic animals for shelter and egg attachment.

Hollows are an important habitat for many wildlife species, especially where the use of hollows is obligate, as this means no other resource would be a feasible substitute. Animals may use hollows as diurnal or nocturnal shelter sites, as well as for rearing young, feeding, thermoregulation, and to facilitate ranging behaviour and dispersal. While use may also be opportunistic, rather than obligate, it may be difficult to determine the nature of a species' relationship to hollows—it may vary across a species' range, or depend on climatic conditions.

Animals will select a hollow based on factors including entrance size and shape, depth, and degree of insulation. Such factors greatly affect the frequency and seasonality of hollow use.

Especially in Europe, entomologists are interested in the use of hollows by invertebrates. One beetle associated with hollow trees, Osmoderma eremita, has been given the highest priority according to the European Union's Habitat Directive.